Tuesday, July 10, 2007

In My Head

Not all of these posts are necessarily development related, as you may have already noticed. I could just simply write about the type of food we eat here [I promise I will write about food at some point, but there always seems to be more pertinent things] or what I did today even when it is not thought provoking [analyzing results from our interviews at the Manyemuyemu Dam community]. But this blog has taken a very personal turn. I mean what we, as Junior Fellows, are supposed to write on a blog is not defined [that would stifle creativity!], so I have been free to go which ever way I want. As a result, I have been writing about whatever is on my mind. Hopefully that doesn’t bother those who are actually reading the blog. But, in truth, I think this is a much clearer picture of the Junior Fellow experience. The experience is less about the little day to day differences one experiences when living in Africa and more about what affect those little differences [and the major differences] have on the individual [me!]. So while I am trapped in my head without anyone around to communicate to on a deep level [refer to what I wrote about different cultures being totally different worlds which make deep, meaningful conversation all but impossible]… you trapped in there with me! Well if you are reading this you are. I have no idea who you are or what you read and don’t read. So don’t feel you have to read every post if you are only interested in the development side of things. I won’t notice. I’ll try to keep the DISCLAIMER warnings up so you know something might not interest you.

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